




单纯对数据进行可视化,其本身意义不大,我们更应该把焦点放在对数据的探索;随便找一个gene就开展各种验证,其本身可以说毫无意义,更重要的是如何将自己的现有数据和结果与已知的网络进行联系和对应。 套路化和模式化的东西在给我们带来便利的同时,也在很大程度上固化了本可以发散的思维,这种情况有时会蒙蔽我们的双眼,致使我们再难以从不同的视角和维度去探索数据和研究。 对于自己的数据,切不可草草了事。

The Top 10 Unanswered Questions in MPMI Editorial: “What are the Top 10 Unanswered Questions in Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions?”

How do plants engage with beneficial microorganisms while at the same time restricting pathogens? Watch the What’s New in MPMI virtual seminar on this review. How does abiotic stress, such as climate change, influence plant-microbe interactions? Submit to the Focus Issue on this topic. How can we translate basic research into emerging crop plants? How do microbe-microbe interactions affect plant-microbe interactions? Does ETI potentiate and restore PTI—or is there really a binary distinction between ETI and PTI? Watch the What’s New in MPMI virtual seminar on this review. What’s the molecular basis of nonhost resistance? Watch the What’s New in MPMI virtual seminar on this review. How do resistance proteins activate cell death? Why do some pathogens need so many effectors when others need a few? How do pathogens evolve novel virulence activities? How do observations of binary plant-microbe interactions hold in an ecological context?

Ai, G., Yang, K., Ye, W., Tian, Y., Du, Y., Zhu, H., Li, T., Xia, Q., Shen, D., Peng, H., Jing, M., Xia, A., and Dou, D. 2020. Prediction and characterization of RXLR effectors in Pythium species. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 33:1046-1058. https://doi.org/10.1094/MPMI-01-20-0010-R Link, ISI, Google Scholar